genteel is with us host of the young turks and now formerly a famous n_b_c_ jack i've been watching all the coverage you're talking to a lot of different people i'm hearing at...
lizzie grams cracked me up with these i mean there's not and many did he the vid in cable news miserable as two weeks we're losing graham is on the number-one other stations in...
joining is jackson cats is the author of leading men presidential campaigns and the politics of manhood i have a copy here we've been talking about a lot of different aspects jackson of this...
the david nachman show david dot com welcome to the show how the everyone watching live from the we survived but he will survive obama if the page and the i love it when i wake up in the morning and...
president obama i went on sixty minutes on sunday night and they talk about the republican field a little bit his chances uh... one show you some of those clubs let's start with clips six...
so now that I've outlined to you some of the media coverage that's going on around the government shutdown let's actually Explorer in detail the broader yuri the broader...
Welcome to Absurdity Today, I’m Julianna Forlano President Obama has been reelected to a second term In his concession speech Mitt Romney wished the president well. Romney: “I wish all of them well…”...
>> REAGAN: I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have live here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally. >> OBAMA:...
president obama on environment while so we have mixed record but now there's a new report from center on uh... parece reform that gives you a are looking to our little organization called the...
yeah alright we've been covering the coke brothers and a number of others including uh... who else was it it was this timeshare mobile and a number of other bosses from big businesses who have...