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this episode of the young turks is brought to you by audible dot com everybody over at part of all podcast dot com slash to the white sea abundant ministration has uh... decided not to admit that i...
and i think this is very very sadly i think it's tragic retired where senator that's it and think about what happened in in time to think about that the other cars in the streets of...
Title: Secure Communities: Isaura's Story Isaura Garcia ACLU Client speaking: "The reason I called 911 was because I needed a shelter for me and my baby. After my boyriend kicked me...
Dear Jane, I don't understand what is happening to me here in detention. No one will tell me when they will let me out. When I arrived in the UK looking for asylum I thought nothing worse than...
welcome back shelf r and r well the supreme court order for that reducers are sister producer uh... we get to sharing with them and show you know you were in in the supreme court this morning you...
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I am Lia Tarachansky with the real news in tel aviv this week israel's anti refugee policy reached and you peak on tuesday september fourth th israeli daily habits reported that a group of...
bjbjVwVw JUDY WOODRUFF: And to the analysis of Shields and Brooks. That's syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks. So, gentlemen, we have all been torn up...
John Morton, Director: I'm here today to announce the latest results of ICE's national operation targeting criminal aliens for arrest and removal. The operation known as National Cross...