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THE PRESIDENT: Welcome. It's my honor. Thank you for coming. Please be seated. Welcome to the White House. It's an honor to recognize the Super Bowl Champs, the New York Football...
Now, we're going to take a look at the designated hitter, or the DH. This is a specialized position, a modern invention of baseball that only exists in the American League of professional...
mariana repairing to set the scene for you guys very quickly uh... in their before their game yesterday what he has done for his entire career he was showing balls in the outfield his cleat got caught...
So, I'm sitting in the domain of the utility man, the dugout. That doesn't mean the utility man is not important, it just means he's not on the field at all times. The utility...
So now on this clip you see the chest protector. This will protect your stomach, your chest, your shoulders, believe it or not you get hit with a ball with this it still hurts, but that is what we get...
but sadly with someone of aids sad but very very positive story this is the story of brian kato she attended a high school an apple long beach and he was the star star defensive player he was such a...
[MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) And this is my wish. -Rylee Durham is 12 years old. And here in Palm Bay, Florida, she's not just pedaling. She's trying to prove her doctors wrong. -Her...
here are the things i would say to phil simms stopped clocking you're driving me crazy you've been warning for ball games for over a decade for me shocked opp dot how can somebody be...