Earthquakes rock Italy, Greece, Fiji Islands, Formosa (Taiwan), Panama, Solomon Islands, and Zambia. On Sunday evening, July 17, a shallow temblor measuring 4.9 on the Richter scale struck Ferrara in...
sooner or later something fundamentally in your business world will change The best strategy is to acknowledge that reality and prepare for it today Here's 2 minutes on preparing for the...



Hi! My name is Shaun Appler. I am an investigator with the Wrightsville Beach Police Department and on behalf of Expert Village, I am here to talk to you today about how to deal with an aggressive...



The environment, the economy and indigenous rights - these were the three main issues being discussed at a gathering of indigenous people in Whakatane. Heta Gardiner has this report. I am the...



Sometimes is hard to understand our passion. We enjoy mistreating our bodies, all as much as we can, the more we mistreat our body...the more we enjoy. This is the best... when you think...
hey everybody good morning and welcome back to the tech lamar you can channel you guys all known the i'm elrich and today's probly one of the saddest days of my entire life you guys...
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the following reports contain some disturbing images %ah the old blanket to cover records there's no dignity in death in Syria what's happened here almost defies words wall into the...
Two excavators, chisel and dig to remove Lassiter Mill Dam in the Uwharrie River in Randolph County, North Carolina. This structure was 200 feet long and stood 12 feet high as part of a grits mill...