Now another form of non-verbal communication and artifactual communication, that I bet you never thought about being non-verbal, is color. And when I'm talking about color, I'm talking...
In this clip we're going to talk about how to mix semi permanent hair colors. And I usually tell people if they are going to mix semi permanents to look at the instructions because every...
Hi everyone. Welcome back to my channel , I know it's not summer anymore, at least not here where I live, but it doesn't mean we can not play with water. And in this video I have a new...
This first question is in terms of best colours for business card. " Hello there, I was planning to make cards for my home based retail business and it's oriented to sell items such...
It's a beautiful color you know, that's a great way to make a, a beautiful purple but that isn't what we want we're looking for something a little bit grayer. Now what...
Welcome to the Smoke Learning Channel. This video series deals with working on various CGI render passes in Autodesk Smoke. The project is now created. The media and render passes are imported into...
It's another JYP My (color) is a (color) You can never forget If you fall once, youll be in trouble My (color) is a (color) You can never forget If you fall once, youll be in trouble Ready to...
If you're happy happy happy clap your hands If you're happy happy happy clap your hands If you're happy happy happy Clap your hands, clap your hands If you're happy...