new york times is looking into uh... reports on the f_d_a_ food drug administration the dole bomb administration uh... might be at stopping some other regulation in order to help uh... companies this...



ben stein talking about stein's unrelated ben stein went on fox news and this is in the first and he said that we need to raise taxes on the rich to help the economy but he actually said i...
Muito obrigado! A Comissao de Turismo da Australia nos pediu para criar uma musica, que pudesse ser tocada no exterior. Uma musica para ajudar a trazer turistas para a Australia. Exato, enato nos...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf390 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww11820\viewh21780\viewkind0 \deftab720...
what would I have to run from? I can't find any pages! how long does it take? do they glow or do they stand out? buildings? what colour are they? bricks? the pages are bricks? dot in the...



SWED: Hello Angry Black Guy: Hello SWED: Hello Angry Black Guy: Yeah, hello SWED: Hi? Angry Black Guy: Yea, I wanna know who this is right now SWED: (lies about name) Angry Black Guy: Let me ask you a...
foxnews out said that there was an intimidating guy in other words he's black monitoring a a polling place here is the video fox news and look at this guy is so intimidating in philadelphia...
OK, hi. SmokeMelvin here Jesus Christ, I don't like this. This is just going to be like the first Slender... I'm telling you, I really don't like this game. But you guys said:...



>> Lector: I want to tell you and show you the life of one family who lived in remote tizes. - lector I mean, times are different from my. But first tell you a little bit of meanness....
eating candy, huh? Ziggy, it's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of. Okay? Good night. Okay, good night. ♪ Sometimes things are really hairy, ♪ ♪ sneaking up when you are wary. ♪ ♪...

