it's five thirty in the morning i'm tired i'm grumpy and my sobriety is compromised and that is that it's the perfect time for some public relations everybody how are...
if you're looking for or thinking about purchasing the Nikon D3200 Camera then i'm about to show you what you might possibly get a great discount or coupon code on this cool camera...
Hi, welcome to the Canon 6D review. About a year ago the Canon 6D was announced by Canon as the lightest, smallest full-frame SLR in the world. So, as a landscape and travel photographer this really...
I'm on the phone with Jim on one of our regular check-ins. Jim, nothing's happening.. It's starting Adam, I think. Adam, it's starting. Look at that! Look at that...
We are now in Zaanse Schans. Or something like that. It's hard name to say. But what really matters is they have a clog factory where they show how to make clogs. This is the home of the...
This is Gary with MacMost Now. On today's episode let's look at some Apple travel tips. Today I'm in beautiful Barcelona. When I travel to places like this there is usually...
So this is what the units are like at Smugglers Cove -- they're all kind of bungalow style. uh... everything's on a single level and they're all individual units This is sort...



You drift in on a summer breeze Eyes deep as the endless seas You tell me there's so much world to see But I'm caught up in a sweet reverie We'll sail beyond the...
Justin: In this video, we're going to compare the Canon - Tyrone: Versus the Nikon and we're going to take these out for a field test. Justin: So this is the Canon with the 24mm-105mm....
MALE SPEAKER: Today's question comes from India. The question is Google gives penalties to sites who do paid links, but doesn't penalize sites with other ads, such as AdSense, Chitika,...