secret recipe very guilty t-rex to or street fair offer three a trust between them that's to defeat doom ever no context teachers would strands of hair all portable hard uh... back in the...
Hey guys! So, there is not much to tell,.. Ah, I went to the cinema, together with Sarah, we watched "the Wolf of Wallstreet" This was our conversation BEFORE the movie... So, this...
Hi, This is Katie Goode from Get Paid What You're Worth and today I'm going to talk to you about how to "unsell" with grace and compassion. What do you do if you...
For your ePortfolio project you are going to create a website on Just go to to get started. On the left-hand side you should see three text areas where you need to insert...
Okay, this is not a trick question, it's a real question but it's also a little bit of a preview for what we'll be talking about in a couple of weeks. The truth of the matter...
we know you take good care of your eyebobs but sometimes the unfortunate happens if something does break on your eyebobs, we are here to help we offer a one-year warranty on our frames. if you notice...
The Demeter principle. This is one of my favorites. This is the one that we decided to highjack the D in solid. Normally, the D is the one used for dependency injection, but Demeter, even though,...
Okay, majority voting is for proxy I believe but let's talk through each one of these one at a time. What kind of a design pattern is being represented when the fake web is used to stub and...
Try an initial vote. Initial vote. A little bit all over the map. So this is a good one to talk about. This one is tricky. This one could plausibly have more than one right answer. Okay. Second vote....