>> You never want to hear about a fire in space, but that's exactly what had to happen for this experiment. The FLEX-2 experiment burned fuel droplets to see how they react...
>> Welcome to the International Space Station Flight Control Room. I am here today, we were talking about some of the work that Koichi Wakata is working on today to install what is...
[ Music ] >> [Background Music] My name is Steve Swanson, NASA astronaut. I'll be on a International Space Station for Expedition 39 and 40. I'll be Flight Engineer for...
>> Pat Ryan: The Automated Transfer Vehicle has just arrived at the International Space Station. It's going to provide a lot of fresh fruit and gifts from home for the crew...
>> Mary Beth: OK so, for the next, between now and 11:15, we're going to open the floor for questions about any of the research announcements or if we have totally confused you,...



This is Mission Control Houston. The Expedition 30 crew onboard the International Space Station splitting its time today between a variety of normal daily maintenance work as well as supporting the...



>> Good morning! My name is Marybeth Edeen I'm the Manager of the National Lab Office and while this is not exclusively a National Lab meeting there are lots of aspects about...



>> Michael Miller: Good morning. I'm Michael Miller. I'm here to present the OZ3 payload engineering integration overview. Next chart, please. So I'll apologize...
>>Okay so I'm back with my area of expertise actually, [laughter] which is microgravity combustion science. And so I'm David Urban again and the, like Brian, my branch...
>> Okay, the next overview presentation I have for you is to make you aware of what we call the lean payload integration process. And this is fairly new. It has been in work for probably...

