This is Siva MandirTemple in Pluit. This is where Indian people in Jakarrta come to pray and preserve their ancient traditions Here, we also learned that there are a lot of things in common between...
If I was going to have a really healthy day, it would be about prioritizing the types of love. There are three universal categories of love, or of motivation, that drive people. And it might not seem...
"Swaying, gyrating..." "Swaying, gyrating..." "lighting fires..." "I set hearts to fire" "A spark. A spark. A spark. A...
"Love and affection." "The talk of love is just useless talk." "lt is all untrue." "Customs and promises" "Does...
"Girls are the most intoxicating thing in the world." "Everyone I see here is surrounded by beauty." "Everyone is philandering in name of love."...
"Here's a girl" "What can I tell you about her?" "Here's a girl" "What can I tell you about her?"...
one day, one second,one love fly off come and embrace then, laughing laughing hi, hello all the sites are swirling understand the meaning these are signs how workful arte these atmospheres in every...
"You shouldn't have entered my life." "You shouldn't have left me once you entered." "You shouldn't have entered my life."...
How to Shear a Pygora Goat (Music Playing) Some people keep goats for many different reasons. Some keep them for meat and some keep them for dairy. I keep my goats for their fiber. These goats are...