If we may believe Wikipedia Namaste, Namaskar or Namaskaram is a common spoken valediction or salutation originating in the Indian Subcontinent. It is a customary greeting when individuals meet, and a...
Namaste sate te jagat kaaranaaya (Salutations to that Being, the cause of the universe!) Namaste chite sarva lokaashrayaaya (Salutations to that Consciousness, the support of all the worlds!) Namo...
[Questioner] I do not understand how emotions and thoughts can be physical? [Sadhguru] First of all this distinction between emotion and thought, it doesn’t really exist. What you call as a emotion...
This morning we will talk about Lesson 330 from the workbook, "I will not hurt myself again today." I'm not going to actually talk about the lesson itself; I'm really...
What are you making today? Sabudana Fruit Upma Ingredients required to make Sabudana Fruit Upma Sago, Apple, Pomegranate, Sugar, Powdered Peanuts, Cashews, Raisins, Pineapple Essence, Salt, Ghee Heat...
With ‘Tere Mere Sapne’ his dreams came true. And as Munna Bhai’s Circuit, he won everyone’s heart. We are talking about Arshad Warsi. Inside the ambulance. Absolutely great. Yes. Come on. He was born...
Sathira Dhammasathan This is a 'Dharma' movie Ploy: Boss, are you gonna fire me? This is a 'Real Dharma' movie. I don't stop!! Tell you so..it is a...
Yes, that sounds like fun... Right, do that, ok? Sorry love, I have to go. Yes? Okay, see you tonight. That's okay, yes, do that. Kiss... bye love. Sorry about that... I am pretty set on my...
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she comes walking like this, as though she is staying in heaven she looks at everyone like this as though she is bearing everyone but when she gets angry and starts showing her eyes fighting she...