>>You guys don't arrest those who are supposed to be arrested >>Hay, you listen!! You tortured me in the cell you hit me >>If I don't die, I...
So here I have Five questions for Muslims. These are not argumentative questions. These are genuine interests that I have. And, I really hope they are not taken as argumentative questions. Because,...
Ive been to cities and burnt them all down From New York to Madrid and old london town But no matter how evil The Western Lands grow I still call White countries home I'm always complaining I...



AUDIENCE MEMBER: I was wondering if either of you, whether you could compare the French attitude towards Muslim immigrants with the attitude in the US? Because it seems like US distrust of Muslim...
>>Ankerberg: Now, let�s go back to the moderates. You do have moderates in different parts of the world. But why are they not succeeding in proclaiming their view of Islam?...
special review is a far right wing publication that's full of idiots well lou dobbs had on andrew mccarthy from national review online and he had or brilliant sentiment you'd like to...
If kalimah Allah is used by everyone, it will cause confusion. It's like demeaning Muslims in Malaysia. Because maybe in other countries, if they accept kalimah Allah being used,...
chilled adults and of course is a big donor new newt gingrich's campaign and he's given ham well over eleven million dollars oz-initial backs in in the report said he'd given a...
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. O you who believe! When you go (to fight) in the Cause of Allâh, verify (the truth)... verify (the truth) and say not to anyone who greets you (by...
In this age the wine, the cup, even Jam is different The cup-bearer started different ways of grace and tyranny The Muslim also constructed a different harem of his own The Azar of civilization made...