Tires are essential in these desert races especially in production cars. We do not have much power engine and we are very heavy, so to go into soft sand we have to deflate. When deflated, the tire...
The relationship with the co-driver I've run only one Dakar with Xavi and... I think we've had just a few fights. The race we did was quite good there were some mistakes from my part...



Rivals It's been long since we are running this race, so we know each other well. We see during the year what race does one, what race does the other one, what are their times, and when the...
The goal The subject is always the same. First is to finish the Dakar after that fight for the pódium and if we get there try to win the rally in your category Throughout the year we have been...
Our new team member. He touches him. Well, yeah... We're at Tierp Arena again. For the second time this year. Last time we had trouble with ignition boxes and other stuff. We didn't...
T2 Category -- Production cars This car is completely a production car with a standard engine. Even to look at the oil, everything except a good air filter for dust, but all the transmission,...



Fears We have so much respect to the race because Dakar is a race you never know where is the trap stage or where you can make a mistake We are very few people, and have no ability to react if we hit...



Good morning and welcome to the Lexus stand. I’ve just been appointed to lead Lexus in Europe and I am extremely lucky. 2014 will be one of the most exciting time in the 25 years of our brand. Look...
The course I’m studying is the Automotive Performance Engineering and we work alongside the RLR Motorsport Team. It’s highly practical but the theory’s also very intensive. We get the experience that...