歓喜の声を挙げ 目醒めよさぁ時は来た 13-thirteen-を告げる針音...鼓動が響く Freedom is one Fight away See the future ln your hands 声を高らかに挙げ 切り裂け産声のダガー 反旗の風を纏え 舞台-stage-の幕は開いた Thirteen lives But one grave 奇跡を売りさばく そいつは嘘つきのマザー...
1 1x17 - Monsters Beware Beware Beware Beware the bat Please, just tell me what you want! Money? Any card numbers? Who doesn't love a good melon? Stick around Old Gotham and the same might happen to...
Do you know how unusual this is to be here, take these very steps. One is usually only fortunate enough to encounter history in his past tense. A visit to ancient ruins. Battlefields won and lost. But...



君を縛ってる鎖を断ち切って 連れ出してあげよう まだ見ぬ景色へと... 光増す程に色堕ちゆく影 怖れる事は無い そいつもお前だろう? 沈んだ幻想消して創り出せばいい 閉ざした心破り生まれ変われ今 失くす物無いと知ってるはずさ 飢えた時の中 俺も狂いそう 崩れて叫んでも変えられぬ事知ってる 願いの炎は決して絶やせはしない 未来はきっと裂けた無限の道を 歩き出す事で変えていけるさ Just...
[MUSIC - FEIST, "1234"] FEIST: [SINGING] One, two, three, four monsters walking 'cross the floor. I love counting, counting to the number four. Oh you're counting,...