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FEMA obligates more than $913,000 to help elevate a home that is more than 200 years old. The home was damaged during Katrina, and the hope is to protect it from future storms. Built between 1787 and...
Piano Music Playing Piano Music Playing What happened in the old native village of Eagle and in the City of Eagle in 2009 was ballistic ice was really the Problem, the cabin that you see in the...
Hi Steve from Wilhelmy Homes Hey thanks for stopping by the site Here's another video blog in our series on radon in real estate transactions Take a look at the other ones We have all kinds of...
Hi Steve from Wilhelmy Homes Hey thanks for stopping by the site Really do appreciate it Another blog for you on radon Today, this one we are going to cover mitigation You can go back and take a look...
>> TONY MIU: Today I will present you with the fruit of our research, Kill 'Em All - DDoS protection and annihilation. First of all, I'm working in (inaudible), a...
Aerodynamics is fascinating to me. Just the philosophy of aerodynamics and that led me to aeronautics. And of course, the faster things go, the cooler it is. My name is Larry Cliatt. I'm an...
♪♪ (wave sounds) Hoyt Fields I was in my office, and all of a sudden, the building started to rumble the building started to rumble and I was saying something’s going on. My name is Hoyt Fields. I’m...
This is Klaus and Kates house. Kate has heard that too much radiation from radioactive materials maybe harmful. But luckily there is no radiating material around. Or is there? You see, Klaus heard...



[O'Grady] There was some wind. We were upstairs during the storm and you felt the wind, but we were never worried about (you know) any severe damage from the wind. The storm came up the ocean,...