Q: What happens after the government takes 35 percent of your paycheck? A: The gas station takes the rest! Q: What does OPEC now stand for? A: Oil Pricing Evil Cartel! Q: What did Dick Cheney say when...
The Dork Knight Rises When Harry Pet Sally Jurassic Pork White Men Can't Hump Bruce Alrighty (then!) Lawrence Of A Labia Petty Woman Dude, There’s My Car Girls Gone Mild Stab Wars How to Drain Your...
Click Here to Support Hurricane Charities Q: Why did Michael Jackson volunteer to help Hurricane Katrina victims? A: Because New Orleans now has the highest concentration of children wearing wet...
Not Every Musical Can Make It To Broadway, This is a list of musicals that just couldn't make the cut Jersey Boyz N The Hood Diddle Her On The Roof Pants Him At The Opera Guys and Blow-Up Dolls Guys...
In Light of the Foley scandal we have a couple of recommendations for the GOP for this November (2006) Republican Slogans for Mid-Term Elections: Culture of Kid-Ruption It's Always Someone Else’s...
Disclaimer: I assume anyone reading these pratical jokes is of sound mind and body...and knows the consequences of their actions Dump a whole bottle of detergent into the toilet tank. This produces...
Q: Why do Retirees smile all the time? A: Because they can't hear a word you're saying! Q: What is the "initial" state of retirement? A: SS, CD's, IRA's, AARP. Q: How do you know your old?...
Q: Why are environmentalists bad at playing cards? A: They like to avoid the flush. Q: What did the Tree Hugging hottie say to the guy in the SUV? A: "Turning off your Engine, gets my motor...
I'm sick and tired of going onto AIM, yahoo messenger, etc and having stupid conversations. Every 5 seconds LOL, LOL, LOL...... So Today March 30, I am starting a revolution. This is my new list for...
Q: What will they be handing out instead of Grammys at the annual music awards ceremony? A: Babies from Africa! Q: Why do 60 percent of women believe in ghosts? A: Because they've seen how fast men...