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A lot of Birds by TravelPod member daslink African Rock Face by TravelPod member daslink Atop Signal Hill looking out to sea by TravelPod member daslink Bald Eagle by TravelPod member daslink Bald...
My collaborator in this presentation tonight is research assistant Rob Carraro, and Rob was present on all the aerial surveys we've done over the past couple of years. I'm going to...
there is a bio pic coming out pretty soon add that features the life of hillary clinton now take the specifically focuses on the air nineteen seventy four when adlai clinton was working as a lawyer to...
On 23rd May 2010 I was part of a team who filmed a minke whale hunt off the lofoten islands in northern Norway At 21:17 at night the whaling vessel Rowenta fired an exploding harpoon at a minke whale....
[Music] Welcome to Fieldsports Britain. We're in Sweden to look at things that go [bang] bang. [Music] We are in the land of the moose, of water and of bullets. We are at the Norma factory,...