All right now we're all locked and loaded for this last one and I'm going to get the handle out of the way. Size it up looking good and then just have these guys meet. See just like a...
Now I'm going to explain what a moquette is. A moquette is a really small pot. And if you have a concept or an idea about a certain kind of pot that you want to make, you want to make a...
Hi I'm Tricia an organic gardener, I grow organically for a healthy and safe food supply for a clean and sustainable environment for an enjoyable and rewarding experience the fruit trees are...
This is a traditional open center peach tree, which many orchards in the southeast are trained to. We call it an open center or a vase system. All the branches are going out at approximately a...
Today I am going to show you how to make a coffee table Door plate (sort of), brought from craft store Beads, I recommend ones that are long in shape Straw for hot drinks I did some pre-work on the...
So the next step in making your clays is going to be to sieve the mixture. Now I've got one of these large fancy sieves, it's got brushes on the bottom and it turns, and then it comes...



One method of making things in clay is to use slabs to build your project. There's a couple of different ways to prepare your slab, to make, for slab building. But either of the ways that...
So once you've got your basic cylinder, and you've smoothed it out a little bit by using some throwing techniques, you can go ahead and take your hard wooden rib and use it to help...
O.k. here we got our, our Japanese tea bowl. It's used in ceremonies in Japan daily and it might look funky, it might look clunky but this is a very old tradition. And you can see the chu de...
Powerful Flower by overtherainboweyes I found a lion in my path, And I gathered in up from my trespass, From the outstretched hand, He was held in my open psalm, The lion peered at me, The singular...