That is gold wire isn’t it? Ok. It is so small you probably won’t see it. So gold is an element, one of the few elements that I think everybody is very familiar with. Women and many men wear it as a...
Yeah so neodymium is one my favourite f elements to work with. When you use it in compounds and you dissolve it, often you get colourful blue solutions from it. Sometimes they are green as well, but...
Before we put out theater together, we want to decorate the panels. There are so many different ways that you can decorate your theater. You can personalize your theater with your child's...
The Euler's Disc, you place it in the middle of a mirror and set it running, it goes on for some time. This extraordinary toy I came across about 10 years ago in New York and I've...
So this is Mercury. It’s a liquid metal, it is one of the, well, one liquid metal at this temperature. There are a couple of liquid metals in a little bit more exotic places in the world like Spain...
the next icons we have are insert row, delete row delete column those should be pretty self-explanatory auto format we're gonna come back to that one in a minute let's go back to our...
Serving is an essential skill in table tennis. So how good are your serving skills? Do your serves help you win points? Olympian Jeff Plumb and Olympic coach Alois Rosario present this series of...



Cordell: Hi everyone, and thanks for watching My name is Cordell Felix and on this video I will show you how to implement color correction using a color lookup table with Unreal...