Slice the eggplant lengthwise leaving the skin on, otherwise it won’t hold together once cooked. Cook the eggplant slices flat in a non-stick skillet with very little oil – just a few drops. You can...
BRINK OF LIFE Text: CASUALTY ADMISSION AND ISOLATION WARD You may come in now. I'm Schoolmaster Ellius. I spoke to Dr Karlsson on the phone. He told me to phone for an...
We just mentioned the fibroids and how much pain it causes for the woman. If we treat it earlier with acupunctures and herbs, we can avoid surgery. But, what if it grows so fast and the only choice is...



Presentation 1: Checkerboard You need two cream of vegetable soups of contrasting colors – for example, a cream of carrot and a cream of broccoli or green asparagus. Pour the cream of carrot into a...



and speaking of Kat television contracts media coverage around the government shutdown has been absolutely horrific it was pretty bad around Syria it was pretty bad for a long time years around...
Je viens d'aller chercher quelques articles pour le souper et pour le dîner demain et ça m'a coûté 300 $. Je n'en ai même pas assez pour toute la semaine. C'est un...



well another week and the government shutdown continues or is it as Fox News want to tell us only a slim down eliminating all of the worst aspect up government that certainly some wordsmith thing if...
Hi, I'm Sheri, one of Publix Apron's Meals experts. Welcome to Aprons Simple Meals, where you'll learn that cooking with style can be quick and easy. Now if you're...
Once again, in this clip, we are going to be hooping in the opposite direction, a very challenging thing to do. Make sure that you give yourself some extra good energy when trying this. I hoop to the...
Wash the 2 gobo burdock, and scrape off the skin with a blade. Then shave into small pieces. Peel the 200g lotus root, and cut into half lengthwise, and slice. Cut the 2 block konnyaku into thin...