Greetings people and welcome to another TrollsNews tells how it is. In the last episode of Bullshitbusters we were talking about social networks and how people are egocentric assholes. This opened a...
Greetings citizens, we are Anonymous and we have a special announcement to make. We have a paperstorm planned for the month of September on the second, twentieth, and thirtieth of the month, and are...
green first i want to check in without my old friend and and very astute political analyst puts shack trees initial parece appear strategist liver test l l c also nationally syndicated columnist for...
,Hello, Sorry about Me having to use A Text to speech reader, It was A necessity, as it is impossible for me to make videos about the YRV Movement, service, and plan without, a million interruptions...
Welcome to MAPE's Legislative Update, I'm Richard Kolodziejski, MAPE's Public Affairs and Communications Director. Earlier this week, Governor Dayton signed the state contract...
Welcome back to another weekly update from the state Capitol. Last week, both the House and Senate passed the health exchange legislation mostly across party lines. The exchange provides affordable,...
The cult of Manny Pacquiao continues. The eight time world champion fighter of the decade- Manny "PacMan" Pacquiao! The boxing phenomenon from the Philippines prepares to face...
Do you guys really need SWAT? I mean you guys can handle this yourselves. you guys done this day in day out, I know some of you are veterans but we've been doing this for years I mean and then...
TrollsNews today Onision is bullshitting Don't call me slut Good evening and welcome to another episode of TrollsNews, show that brings you all the important information about trolls or just a...
Vi er Anonymous. Det er mye som skjer i verden som staten bryr seg om; krig, olje, økonomi, og veier, men ingen bryr seg om mobbing. Mobbing fører til at dusinvis av personer over hele verden tar...