The violent clashes that took place in the town of Moadamyeh near Damascus violated the truce that was reached two days ago between Syrian forces and insurgents, which met with great satisfaction...
(Image Source: BBC)


Hundreds of Libyans are handing over their weapons to the government, at the government’s request. The BBC has more.

“Hundreds of Libyans...
JAISAL NOOR: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Jaisal Noor in Baltimore. Over 140,000 people have died in Syria. That's according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. More...
A new Chinese anti-satellite (ASAT) test could showcase an ability to reach medium-Earth orbit. Doing so, some analysts say, would underscore that country's ability to place the constellation...
Damascus (the world) -27/02/2014- How lured Syrian Army fighters into a port in the East Gouta?, And how they were being targeted?, What are the implications of the army was able to kill so many in a...
China's military can destroy five out of six U.S. bases in Asia with waves of missile strikes as the result of its large-scale military buildup that threatens U.S. access and freedom of...
[water splashing] Our next story is a real shocker. Especially for those involved in the training. Sergeant Stephanie Logue is in Baghdad with this painful story. Holders, are you ready?...



Denis McDonough as the chief of staff for the white house he wuz on every a sunny morning show a blanket the airwaves and he's was trying to convince us that we have enough evidence he is done...
"There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas probably in Tennessee that says fool me once, shame on... shame on you. A fooled man can't get fooled...
The group tasked with destroying Syria's chemical weapon stockpiles has devised an ambitious but risky plan. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has already made progress...

