The training is high actually with-- when I first joined up, I was a truckie. I did six years trucks, and then transferred over to aviation. And I got all my codes and training through trucks. With...
It's our graduation week. It's getting scarily real. It's a very hectic week. It's exciting because we're moving on from a significant chapter in our lives....



River Cam A Cambridge Education GCSEs, A-levels, Foundation courses King's College, Cambridge St. Andrew's College Great location Central schools Punting in Cambridge Oldest tutorial...
Four years ago, when Brown's course catalog arrived in the mail, I imagined that I was standing at the foot of a very long and grand hallway. In front of me were far more doors than I could...
Okay, well, since starting over here at USF in the Honors College, I've done a lot more than I expected I would in the first semester. From the very first Orientation and learning about...
[ Music ] >> UMUC was founded in 1947 to help educate those in the post World War II workforce looking for a better future. Our success in communities and military bases throughout...
Voice of: Josh Lang National Vice President, Student Veterans of America <<Leadership, discipline, responsibility>> Erin Calandra Penn State Outreach Reporter...
Many of our existing veterans at home and many of the thousands returning are in need of a new educational direction, a new career. Our military servicemen and women want to apply their skills and...
Speaker One: They're learning how to be leaders, in what I like to call a leadership laboratory. And they learn from those experiences day in and day out. Speaker Two: The leadership...