ST. JOSEPH HEAD R1: 6 sc magic ring (6 sts) R2: 1 inc around (12 sts) R3: *1 sc, 1 inc*. Repeat around (18 sts) R4: *2 sc, 1 inc*. Repeat around (24 sts) R5: *3 sc, 1 inc*. Repeat around (30 sts)...
CAMEL BODY R1: 6 sc magic ring (6 sts) R2: 1 inc around (12 sts) R3: *1 sc, 1 inc*. Repeat around (18 sts) R4: *2 sc, 1 inc*. Repeat around (24 sts) R5-6: 1 sc around (24 sts) R7: *3 sc, 1 inc*....
I know i said be right back but what i really meant was I wasnt coming back Oh wait i am back, nevermind Heh Heh heh! You know what I'm talking about! The rumor that some bad guys are having a...
Speed. Marker. And... action. If I were a rich man With a million or two I'd live in a penthouse In a room with a view. And if I were handsome Those dreams do come true (cut) I...