Muito boa noite, pessoal! Hoje é dia 28 de maio. A gente está começando aqui o primeiro episódio do WebCast, uma série de WebCasts do Programa Jovens Talentos da Natura. É um prazer ter vocês com a...



A médio prazo, estou otimista. Acredito que estejamos enfrentando dificuldades. Não esqueça que, por 60 anos, tivemos um regime autoritário. Então, as pessoas não sabem nem como praticar a...



Olá muito prazer! Meu nome é Fabrício Viana e esse é o canal "Meu Prazer Literário" A ideia desse projeto é justamente mostrar dicas, resenhas, vídeos, entrevistas com escritores...



We can consider that inequalities have not diminished, as they should have, with the process of globalization, but we don’t have another formula to reduce inequalities, except for the development...
it on captured means lower destroying us c rotary certainly proves that we're being visited by civilizations from other stars particularly marquette is on the farm policy known as a writer and...
There is a globalization of markets, of finances, of investments... There is, also, a globalization of information, but there hasn’t been created, in an international plan, instances of government...
I think that this process of limitation of birth-rate, which exists now in Europe, is a process very much connected to the economic development. The poorest countries, less prepared, present a higher...



It's a mistake to believe that the growth of the population will block the economic development. If we look, for example, to India. In India, there's today a population twice as big as...



Am I still able to throw myself into an autobiographic book? To try to write a book such as Rousseau’s Confessions. Frankly, it’s a great book, anyway. But I, definitely, haven’t done that, yet. For...
The issue that appeared by chance is real. At the moment former third-world countries reached development and richness. I think about Brazil, China, India. At the moment the poor become rich, they...