Some of the myths about raw food that I hear a lot are, "Am I going to get enough protein?" Well, you very much can get enough protein just eating raw food. Greens are just packed...
Hurt On The Job Being Hurt On The Job is not fun especially if one is hurt while on the job. Any employee who has been Hurt On The Job will be concerned, that the injury might possibly affect their...
Hello. I'm Jodi Brenner Ginsberg of Ginsberg Law Offices. I have people call me all the time and say, "When should I tell my employer I got hurt at work? How should I tell my employer...
Hurt On The Job Being Hurt On The Job is not fun especially if one is hurt while on the job. Any employee who has been Hurt On The Job will be concerned, that the injury might possibly affect their...
"Phytates for the Prevention of Cancer" Cancer prevention strongly acknowledges the importance of diet, as dietary factors are the most important environmental risk factors for...
038 - Ripley's Believe It or Not XXXVIII by TravelPod member babieemelly 084 - Ripley's Believe It or Not LXXXIV by TravelPod member babieemelly 085 - Ripley's Believe It or...
Hi there, viewers at home we've been rehearsing all afternoon at the OB to get everything in shape and we've just arrived here in Panningen, where we've dumped all of our gear...



Hell yeah, horses! - Pfff.. this touring life is so tough! This is a small cappuccino - Are you smoking herb? - Should I not be filming in here? - You can film - Just checking my sportsbids account -...
I think they have noticed the giraffe now Our zookeeper has fastened the meat with a rope so they don't drag it too far away If we look back 2000 years, lions were present all over europe but...