KERRI: Hi, I'm Kerri. DAVE: I'm Dave, and this is EW's TV Recaps for March 6th. Well we're a few episodes into Survivor: KAAH GAAH YAAHH NNN, and it's already...
Hey guys ! How are you ?! Today we are still on MGS4 on Virtuous Vista I was playing like it was MGO Teamsneaking Today we'll still talk about my way on MGO and develop . However , I want to...



Keegan Deane, Gloria? GLORIA: It was just a kiss. I'm deeply concerned about you. Maybe you need a fresh start somewhere else. I'm thinking about running for DA. Are you kidding? Just...
[Music] Welcome to Fieldsports Britain. Coming up we are here in Germany for sparkly new bullets and shiny new guns, the European Kit Show. A spot of the old Vorsprüng durch Technik. We have our...
Good day. Today we will construct correct - hm-hm - computer. A computer for games. Everybody wants such computer Fucking good... Yeah, fucking good computer. Basis - video chipset Becose it will be...
So, meanwhile. While Odysseus is making his connections with Eumaeus Telemachus is off in the farm [inaudible]. And Athena says, well gosh, it's time to get going, Telemachus. Time to move to...



Hey guys it's Palm ! How are you ? I'm good and I'm sorry about my late this week but my computer is really dead !! I do my best to make this video on MGS 2 Sons of Liberty...



More and more college-educated Koreans are neither working nor looking for a job. Statistics Korea said Monday the number of economically inactive people with at least a college degree was more than...
China has lobbed a harsh response at Malaysia for its handling of the investigation into the Malaysian Airlines plane that disappeared over the South China Sea last weekend. Meanwhile, investigators...
Alert! Our control point is being captured! Hahahahaha! *medic remembering his tutorial*DEFEEEEEND HERE!!! aduueewajuuueeeaauuugggghhhaaaeeeuuwadilibundiligan HAHAHAHAHAHA! KA-BOOOOOMMM HAHAHAHA-...