the kansas city star has an investigation into four of the largest meat packing plants and they found that that uh... fetal contamination is running rampant um... in fact when it comes to our beef the...
Stalling without reason Struggling in fears grip Delusion builds up walls out from the dust Don't fall into submission Do not slave your own free will Your strings might break if tension...
Is it possible to create something out of nothing? Or, more precisely, can energy be made into matter? Yes, but only when it comes together with its twin, antimatter. And there's something...
all the son of elections uh... after president while we have seven or so uh... latino vote mit romney at only twenty seven percent their policy of gotten out a little bit more friendly with the latino...
The main message that my father taught was so simple that for many years we tried to make it more complicated and we wanted more; and we have plenty of complication. But it was... the essence was that...