Enter another World... DESTINY Innocent Child Of Destiny, locked Into a Perfect World she dreamt to escape of... He (Methos) swore to protect her, but as he came intor her Life, Her world Shattered...
Hello! How are you? Perfect, praise to Allah. And you? Perfect. Hello. How are you? I'm fine. Is the weather good today? No! The weather is not good. Yes! The weather is good! I invite you to...
Renate from Hamburg converts to Islam that's not bad. All Praises be to Allah. And have you received my message? that's right. I didn't just sent the message, but rather after...
inshaallah you know Hadith is the Teachings of the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) There are two aspects which is the Quran and we also have the Hadith which is all the different sayings of the Rasool Allah or...
"lt is a matter of the heart my darling." "This heart is out of control." "My heart is restless!" "Mast Kalandar!" "lt...
I seek refuge in Allah from satan the accursed No! But you love the immediate And leave the Hereafter. [Some] faces, that Day, will be radiant, Looking at their Lord. And [some] faces, that Day, will...
I seek refuge in Allah(swt) from the accursed shaitan. In the name of Allah(swt), the Beneficient, the Merciful... Has there not been over man a period of time, when he was not a thing worth...
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hi im Aurora Aisha Ali this is my first year and first time ever in college. so what take to succeed an online course well this my first time ever taking an online course so I actually did not know...
Hello this movie is call terrorist in house I'll your he yeah said with here only or oil for yeah yeah okay yep so yeah %ah mack et yeah now tall just yeah Anish make me happy huh Jack a pop...