I walked across a continent where children did not bat an eye When made to watch their mothers die, they left the bodies by the sides Of roads where only willows cried, yes, even my own eyes were dry...
Put your finger on a map And that's where i am Draw a picture of the world And that's where i am Now and beyond It's a long time to be gone I'm movin' on I'm monin' on Put the needle to the groove And...



Add images to export Select destination folder Select compression type and concerning parameters, then confirm operation Enable "grip" osnap (shortcut: F10 key) Run polyline command...



All we can do is try to publicize the facts. Not what the government is saying, but the facts. And not simply parrot or regurgitate... what the government's saying, because that's...
In this video, I'll be showing you how to add Topics, Floating Topics, Shapes, Callouts, and Boundaries to your Mind Maps. To add a new topic as a sibling of the topic you have selected, press...
Mindview has the capability of exporting a Mindmap in various formats. Under the icon, go down to "Export" Here's your options for export. Let's export this mindmap as a Word...