mark the chain of command usually people think the term in the context military corporate and government power structures but in reality all modern society is implicated the chain of command sounds...



>>Ankerberg: Yeah. And actually, you’ve got the biblical condition of mankind here. You’ve got three points that the Bible makes that we need to know about the human race and about...



7: Joshua, The Conquest Of Canaan, Judges We are now entering a new phase in the development of God's plan. Moses, the great leader and lawgiver, is required to relinquish his command because...



Seven billion people on this planet... ...and one of them is you. And just like all the others...'ll have to make the best of it. Not an easy mission in this complex world. Mankind...



A Man Fell in a Hole He fell in a hole and he couldn’t get out. A traveler passed by. He told the man to meditate, to purify his mind, and when he reached Nirvana, all suffering would cease. The man...



0:15 In the long hidden past 0:18 Was a world just like ours 0:21 Was beutiful, but every flower dies 0:27 In the soul of a men 0:31 Was a heart, brave and red 0:34 But cursed hearts can grow an ugly...



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back in 2003 a few years before he died I believe he died 19 2000 8 studs terkel was on my show and he made this comment about hope dying last hope without hope what's the alternative to it...
I welcome you! Since people think they are their whole life in search after the big questions about the history of mankind: Where are we? Where are we coming from? Where are we going to? All religions...



8: The Kingdom Period As we consider the historical period from Israelĺs first king, Saul to her last, Zedekiah it is interesting to note how completely the pattern of this period was foretold. In...