Ukraine's looking more and more like a war zone. There have been a few videos released of security forces firing guns and sniper rifles at protesters... none show it more clearly than this...
It's a corridor from a science fiction film, with a robot butler to meet me - except this isn't science fiction, it's the iRobot Development Laboratory...
Today's video lesson is about the aftermath of World War 2 and the events that led us into the Cold War. By April of 1945, an to the war seemed to be in sight. The Soviets were marching on the...
I want to protect books from being confiscated ...just like he did. In a world robbed of the freedom to read books... The Library Defense Force was formed to protect that freedom. We're not...
Book of war, mortification and love the making of the Book of war, mortification and love by Ruud Linssen This book on voluntary suffering is printed with the author's blood Step 1 Tapping the...
Sometimes I think... Are we doing things right? I hope so. LOVE IS WAR Why did I throw all my plans and ambitions overboard and went to this place? This hell... I want to help people... People in much...
Previoiusly. On the STAR WARS I know trouble when I sees it. We can't just kick them out! Sausage! I'm sending regional manger, Darth Maul Surprise, Bitches! Thank you, magic trash...
Hello. Today I'm going to expose and shame one of the most beloved pieces of household technology and certainly one of my all-time top-five kitchen accessories (not including white goods or...
Aye up. Isn't technology wonderful, eh? It’s enabled us to communicate easily, record HD video on the fly and even fire pixellated cartoon birds into tiny piggy structures. It’s made...
Cultural Generations "The humankind is tidied up to a web of meanings woven by itself." Max Weber Weber died 70 years before the advent of Internet Having uncountable deaths, holding...

