Toma alterna Darth Vader... Solo usted podría ser tan atrevido. ¡Toma dos! ¡Acción! El Senado Imperial no tolerará esto, cuando sepan que atacaron una nave diplomática... -... -No se de qué me habla,...



Hi hi friends, speaks his friend Angel; this is my first video, hope you like it and let's talk about magic. Ok I will teach them a very easy trick with a box of phosphorus. This box can walk,...



If you want something to play with in many sports, then we have the thing for you! I present the ultimate in all sports...... The Magic Brick! Now, it is necessary that you don't tell anyone...
Here we're in Nicaragua And I will like to make you a gift a magic number that I've learned many years ago from my friend Norber And also it helps me to explain you a story Sometimes...
Hi, do you have a bit of time? We are magicians and we are trying to record some videos of street magic Because we want that the people see real magic, the reactions of the spectators,... Do you want...



hola atodos , vien venidos una vez mas a mi canal de magia para el truco de hoy vamos a necesitar un baso , servilletas, y un objeto : como una coma o una moneda . primero en volvemos el baso con las...



-It's difficult, isn't it Hipólito? - Who are you? - I'm just saying... This finding magic thing is not that easy, isn't it? - Hipólito my friend! Where are you??? You...
Ciao a tutti ragazzi, oggi inizierò questo nuovo giochetto, semplice ma sbalorditivo Inizierò a prendere una carta Qualsiasi allo spettatore Un asso di cuori. lo faremo scomparire nel mazzo ....
What happens, suddenly I'm dancing? What happens with me, that is singing? I can not help, nor I can control the pace and leads me 'm going to like. And this spell, two drops of lemon...



That feeling is comming back Nopony here, nopony there Sadness without an end Somewhere, I know I will find somepony that will make me feel better Will be laughing, story telling... a friend to...