I’m breastfeeding my baby now. But can I get pregnant while nursing? Your body shuts down ovulation when you are feeding one baby, so that the pregnancy doesn’t take nutrients from the child you’re...
Courtyard - Casa Andina Private Collection Cu by TravelPod member kathymlm 1-1-Casa Andina Private Collection Cusco by TravelPod member kathymlm 4-Casa Andina Private Collection Cusco by TravelPod...
[POWER TOOLS BUZZING] It came to me like like a fairy tale. You know? A sculpture produced in the boat during the trip The fairy tale was, you know, this idea of a sculpture Somehow an art piece...
X2532 BBK15 V9102 Y3440 X3841 Hey guys, I’m Shanley today I’m going to show you this Fisher Price newborn rock n’ play sleeper. This sleeper is made with a super soft breathable fabric that is...
During your surgery, a suprapubic catheter was inserted through your lower abdomen into your bladder. The catheter helps your bladder rest and heal. It is generally left in place for 2 to 4 weeks...
A relaxationconcert is a merge of different instruments. Their own typical basic sound and their vibrations brings us to another dimension... the one of peace ... It is a "lying...



We need a new bed. Are Tempurpedic beds worth the money? Did your kids pop your waterbed while jumping on it again? Yeah. I never expected to water my garden with the water hose while draining the...
How to Reduce Swelling. Excessive build-up of fluid can cause swelling in your face, ankles, feet, and hands. Reduce pain and swelling and get back to your normal activities. You will need Break...
Now I'm going to demonstrate how to do scissors. Okay, this is primarily a lower abdominal exercise. What I'm doing is lying down on my back. Okay, hands at my side, or if you need to...

