when searching for the right Ponte Vedra real estate agent keep these important things in mind realty agents going through hours a special training to ensure they know all the real estate laws going...
Welcome to Blue Sky, a luxury beach home that is just steps from the beautiful waters of the Gulf of Mexico. BluSky is away from the hustle and bustle of tourists in the excluxive, amenity driven...
Located in a prime location, this south facing duplex apartment with a beautiful mountain view has been tastefully renovated. With a floor space of approximately 250m ² (2,691 sqft) this apartment...
hi this is Mike Bjorkman, thanks so much for tuning in to SCVTV and our segment Minute with Mike. today i'm proud to have Kelly and Darrin Privett uh... on the show today they're a...



Built in the late 19th century this property has one of the the most exceptional locations in Guéthary. The house has been recently renovated. It consists of a dining room facing south with doors...
La Maison Pacifique -- "The Peaceful House" is a boutique, luxury beachfront holiday home situated half way between the Gold Coast and Byron Bay. With direct access to Casuarina...
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bjbj Hello, everyone. It s Jack Cotton, luxury real estate specialist, agent and author, and we re talking about our 12 deadly business planning sins. We re more than halfway through the list now, and...
The subject of where to find luxury homes is a controversial issue. I find my self constantly drawn back to the subject of where to find luxury homes. While it is becoming a hot topic in the modern...
Hi, My name is Nicolas De Santes for M.M.D Realty. I�d like to present a one-of �a-kind luxurious double unit townhome Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with unobstructed Ocean views With this...