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Please don't break up with me. This is great. This is really good. Okay, should we kick off? Let's do it. This was the most ultimate chick flick ever. -Really? -Loved it. -You love it?...
Now joining us, Michael Moore, director of Capitalism: A Love Story and a couple of other ones you might remember, Sicko, Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Roger and Me, just to name a few....
Save your love by Renee and Renato Save your love my darling, save your love For summer nights with moon and stars above A serenade I long to sing you The reddest rose I'll always bring you...
COOKIE MONSTER: Hi. Want to play fun game? Me getting ready to draw picture, and you have to guess what me going to draw. Yeah. [SINGING] Me going to draw something me love, something round, something...
It's been more than 27 years since Nintendo introduced space heroine Samus Aran. And even though the pixilated graphics don't hold up against modern high definition standards, this...
Give me just one second just ten seconds Give me back just one more day I won't bug you anymore no more greedy Just lend me 24 hours It's ok if I look pitiful It's okay of I...



This time Shim Changmin changed into an actor. We were able to meet him at the filming scene of Mnet drama MIMI. Mnet produced an ambitious drama Mimi after first attempt Korea's first music...
Hi and welcome to another video about our Arduino StaterKit This is called the LOVE-O-METER. This project is used to measure how hot you really are. Actually in simple words this circuit is a very...
Our topic this week is falling out of love. It's a follow-up from our discussion last week where we talked about when you're loving somebody who's not loving you. This is a...