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My name is Nicholas Brody and I'm a sergeant in the United states marine core, I have a wife and two kids... who I love... By the time you have watched this you will have read a lot of things...
Confessions of a twenty something year old [Sungmin]   Although I have been doing various things. honestly,I know that I am not excellent in any of them. There is nothing special about me, Sungmin....
Hey, Kotori... Yes? Now.. would you properly, go out with me? Kotori? Mmm? Ah... Ah! Sorry! There, there... A lot of time has passed.. isn't it fine now? That might be the case.. Ah.. I forgot...



I don't know what I'm doing here. This conversation is pointless. No, no. Wait! I never wanted to lie to you, Flaca. Please Manuel! How can you say that?! If you weren't a...
Can I get a minute? I be finna wanna kickit wit a wickit babe like you got me in swish'n a flick'n. Pick a date on a weekend Baby we can watch a flick in my crib'n If you wanna...
Is there anything else that you want to confess my son? Well, the other day, a stranger passing by, visited my shop and when he paid, I made a mistake with the change, but at the moment I...
I Hate YOU! Dear Diary Today I finally told Peter that I love him. The setting was perfect, we were at our cottage. I had invited all of the guys to a grand barbecue, but only Peter could make it. A...