What's up dude! Still remember me? Where's your owner, huh? Hi Terry! Good morning Mary! Long time no see, huh? Do you have any idea how you worried me disappearing like that???...
What I´m hearing with my ears? Wow, that´s a BIG party outside And me with this filthy hair. Ouh, Kids are killing again the grandmammas with marbleballs! Another time the Drunked David Hasselhoff...
There's a time and place we've yet to know. There's a sea we've yet to sail. Though we saw the mountain long ago, it's a peak we've yet to scale. And...
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The DB2/4 (often called a DB2/4 Mk1) is a grand tourer sold by Aston Martin from 1953 through 1957. It was based on the DB2 it replaced, available as a Drophead coupe (DHC) and 2+2 hatchback well...
S: Hello~ // J: Hello. J: It's nice to meet you. M: We're the Royal Pirates. J: The Royal Pirates. M: You're just repeating... J: I'm just repeating what he's...



This is the hour of the savage guns Esta es la hora de las pistolas salvajes Beyond the pale and beyond the sun Más allá de los límites y más allá del sol Ganged up with Jesse by the mating call of...



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Thank for coming, enjoy. Lucz. If we could see tomorrow What of your plans No one can live in sorrow Ask all your friends Times that you took in stride They're back in demand I was the one...