>> You had to take a hard decision didn't you? Or a bit hard perhaps? >> No >> For you it was easy? What decision was it? >> Which one?...



k morality waiting for the locked out here in corporate city california rich from if you do you think about your twenty thirteen winner was announced today that the finalists tudo surprised were kris...
aquí otro niño me llamo kevin soy de la escuela 15 la pregunta es que se siente entrenar a uno de los mejores equipos del mundo no sólo pensar o considerar que en que la gente pueda pensar que hemos...



"Carles, don't you have the feeling that you're missing out on anything?" "Well, I've missed a sock in the washing machine, but that happens to...
And now comes the gag of the Ballon d'Or. We warn you that we've recorded it before knowing the winner. If you wanna watch the gag in which Messi wins, press the asterisk button on...
Estos periodistas... XD Era de Oleguer De Jamaica... no hombre no, que es la "estelada", que Oleguer era mucho de la suya, este Keita... ¿Qué es esto? ¿Se puede saber qué está...



Is nice to be messi? Yes is obvious that yes, I think the major part of be messi is nice, however some moments i would like to don´t be noticed, walk with calm in the street, that's the...



¿Algo bueno y algo malo de tu personalidad? Cosas malas... No se... Rencoroso, calentón... Rencoroso más que nada, muy rencoroso. ¿Eres un chico cabrón, de los que se enfada, o no? Sí, sí sí, soy de...
"Look at this. It's great! And this is the suite." "Boys! What are you doing?" "We're looking for hotels. Since we're gonna have...