The first tool on your principle tools is your selection tool. No matter what tool you are currently in you can press the space bar to get back into your selection tool. I always recommend using the...
Ultrasound has really revolutionised the way that doctors treat varicose veins and related conditions. We do not use just an ordinary ultrasound machine -- the machine that you might be familiar with...
Hi! I'm Katie and I'm here on behalf of, and I'm going to show you the proper way to hold the French horn. First of all as with any instrument that you might...
UNIQUE ANDERSON: On behalf of Expert Village, my name is Unique Anderson and I'm here at Energy Fitness in New York City, and we're talking about speed, agility and plyometric step...



Stand with your feet pointed straight ahead and hip-width apart Balance on your left leg and lift your right knee to your waist Maintaining this leg position, bring your right leg across your body so...
I'm going to show you a standing quad stretch which is the way to stretch the muscles in the front of your thigh here, tightness in this region commonly causes low back pain as well as knee...
McQueen: All right we're back working with Megan. We're going to get her back in shape here. What we're going to do first is we're going to do a series of ......



Single Leg V Ups Lie back onto the floor with knees bent hold an object of choice with both hands above your head if desired. Leaning with the chin and chest towards the ceiling contract the stomach...



This is standing hip abduction exercise, which is a low-level way of strengthening your gluteus medius on the side of your hip here. So, what you're going to do is you want to find something...
Start by standing in front of a loaded barbell. While holding the barbell as straight as possible, bend your knees as you sit back with your hips. Grasp the bar using a medium overhand grip. This will...