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During the winter, we tend to hibernate. We have so much clothing on that people barely see more than our faces and we tend not to even look at own our legs. Come the warmer weather, when we might...
How do you get rid of leg cramps while pregnant? Lots of bananas. I’ve heard of rubbing Icy Hot or Aspercreme on my skin, but never bananas. No, no, the cramps may be caused by a lack of potassium or...
I was so tired of staying at home and dreaming about all the things in could accomplish if it weren't for my painful tight tired achy legs. Vein disease signs like varicose veins and spider...
This is Gehwol Leg Vitality. It vitalizes and refreshes tired legs while smoothing the skin. It's a balm that is designed for special daily care of legs and feet. Avocado oil, algea extracts...
Is it bad to cross your legs while sitting? I’ve heard everything from it being bad for you to it being good for you. For a woman, crossing your legs while sitting does protect your modesty when...
Alaska. Truly the last frontier. Alaska. Truly the last frontier. Purchased by the US from Russia for over 7 million dollars in 1867, this oil rich tundra has proven to be a worthwhile investment....
This is Mod 2 (Intermediate) for the isometric single leg deadlift. Starting with your feet in neutral position toes pointing forward start to bring your weight into the right leg as you pick the left...



Now for the Eka Pada Navasana--the one legged boat pose. One legged seems appropriate for boating in a one legged pirate sort of way or a one legged boat kicking contest. Anyways, begin this one on...