NARRATOR You wouldn't dream of buying a car without looking at its history first, would you? NARRATOR But people living in the private rented sector often just have to trust their instincts....
The most IMPORTANT aspect of finding the tenants for your rentals is getting an ACCURATE tenant background check from services like Inteligator. Hi, my name is [make one up] and I'm an real...
a customer's imposition just like a new want to know both limerick county dot com helped me as a landlord and jonathan wolter in a few minutes explane how you can trust my product how it can...
hi Sam Maropis TrainingLandlords thanks for being here. We talk about everything to do with the rentals being a landlord in this particular case for standing in front of a single family house or a...
At Belvoir York we embrace our core principles of quality service and customer care, while purely offering a professional lettings and property management service. We offer services from full...
​ Hello everyone. My name is Britney Monroe. I am a second year student at the John Marshall Law School, and I'm also a legal intern for Student Legal Services. Today we have a housing...
Aaron Hall: I'm Aaron Hall, business attorney in Minneapolis. Steve Freeman: I'm sitting with Steve Katkov of Thompson Hall. Let's go back and talk a little bit about repairs....



If you've been bitten by a dog, everybody understands that the owner of that dog is responsible for the dog bite and harms caused by their dog. What some people don't realize, though,...
Hey, this is Songhua, founder of Tenantify. We specialize in tenant employment and income verification. If you are new using our service, let me walk you through our verification service from the...



Judge Grant: Welcome to Court Clips. I’m Judge Glenn Grant, administrative director of the courts. Court Clips allows us to give you a closer look at some of the programs and procedures of the New...