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Tercer video de: "Desafio Extremo, Alfondeguilla Castro." Ya estem ací. Hemos llegado aquí... al castillo Castro, estamos a una altitud de 771 metros. 89 ¿Cuando? 89 789 89 venga,...



Sagrada Familia 1 by TravelPod member the_cools Sagrada Familia 2 by TravelPod member the_cools Nativity by TravelPod member the_cools Spain's Arch by TravelPod member the_cools Arc de Triomf...



Marcos swims by TravelPod member veromarcos Walk by TravelPod member veromarcos Marcos says hello from our Suite by TravelPod member veromarcos Breakfast by TravelPod member veromarcos Beach 2 by...



Mall next to our hotel by TravelPod member chalmersfamily Tom by the Kremlin wall by TravelPod member chalmersfamily Kremlin building by TravelPod member chalmersfamily More of the Kremlin from down...
i'm so handsome and so rich, money everywhere, I built pool for fishes. And i'm just so broke, no money, mum refused to give up toilete for my dog. So When i am in love,i'll...



English Sync Seiko I wandered through the night as i swayed with stumbling steps (All night) Drunk off my black tears, I cried for a long time The moon is so cold there’s no place to lean I look for...
Yeah, it's 4MINUTE and Brave Sound Leggo!! A-ha a-ha ah ah a-ha A-ha a-ha Whatcha doin'? (4MINUTE) How 'bout later? (Ha!) How 'bout this weekend? (Let's go!)...
I think he's probably busy on Monday night And Tuesday seems just a bit too soon, don't you think so? Even Wednesday feels a bit too awkward for me Plus I don't like Thursday...