Hello. Shit. These fuckin' phones, man. You get a call, they cut you off. You make a call, they cut you off. What's the point? I never-- Don't you know what they're...
Hello! my name is 'No Min Woo'. "Actor" is my first dream... This is the Jo twins! They also study in the same school with me. Hello! My name is Jo Young Min. Hello!...
Like a habit, I think of yesterday Although I tell myself several times that it's wasted time It's still awkward for me that you're not here So I try to hold onto you but ......
We put the spotlight on high-frequency soundwaves to a single pair of unsuspecting ears. Dr. Joe Pompeis is an unassuming MIT grad, who has the powers of a superhero. He can whisper directly in the...
Subtitles downloaded from www.OpenSubtitles.org I'm so tired. I could sleep a thousand years. Don't worry. You'll pick up again tonight. It hasn't changed much here. It...
[ Cheering ] - Speech ! Speech ! - Speech ! [ Chanting ] Speech ! Speech ! Speech ! Thank you. [ Sighs ] - l thought l was gonna sneak away tonight. - [ Crowd ] No ! [ Scattered Laughing ] What a...
The 1st time I did it , I was not scared, it was fun, For some people they may want to wait His name is not important that between us (Q-Who was it) I waited until I got with Joe I liked it very much...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 GillSans;\f1\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Okay, okay. Let's gather around. Gather around, everyone! I know that this isn't easy. Let's see, we have... One, two, three, four, and five! Ok, that's nearly...
TEEN TOP - Miss Right Hello, everyone!This is Let's Dance and.. We're Teen Top! Finally, Teen Top is back with the first full album! Today, we're gonna show you the points of...

