what's up guys? I'm Grace and I've got the best gaming news for you. First up, people were pleased to hear that Deus Ex: the Fall was coming out on PC after originally only...
I wanted to make something special with these helicopters parts have added a few of my own parts as you can see did a little bit of a paint job on the front of this uh... on the front of the actual...



Drunk science! Yea... YoOoOoo This episode is brought- Wait- This isn't an episode, this is just a video This video is brought to you by tequila. Haha Ooh, drunk science is fun. I...
I'm Ruth Hamblin. I'm studying Mechanical Engineering and I'm a center at Oregon State. I'm from Houston, British Columbia, Canada. Most people in British Columbia...
ol Turn off the translator its all wrong. playing you're going to play crawl space program yeah that commentaire up okay career mode this going to be clear how and for building for shit well...
German developer Tobit has demonstrated a new technology or actually a more improved technology that they've created and it is a stripper robot now would be used for this trip a robot will be...
This game is '4-Way Frisbee'. Thanks Lauren for this game idea. Begin by setting up goal areas along the sides of the gym. They should be about 3 feet by 3 feet. Use mats or mark...
>> NAVIGATOR: Sir, the ship is on fire. >> DOODBRO: No shit barbeque balls. This Doodbro, we're going DOWN. >> NAVIGATOR: Sir, Were about to hit...
♪ [Theme Music] ♪ MICHAEL STOLER: My watch says we're in 2014, but there's something strange. It seems to me that we're back into 2007. The time machine has gone back because...
hello everyone welcome to the second episode of colonel space program today will be flying on a beach in the movies actress shelley long time long wait between episodes i am ready before we get...