This is Kanpei Hazama. I had a medical check on this Jan. 4th I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer In last spring when I arrived at Los Angels, I had a medical check and PSA (prostate specific...



So should children go on a raw food diet? Some people are concerned about that. The basic answer is, it's a very nutritious diet. However, just like all things, you need to make sure...
How to Spoon the Right Medicine Dose. You may be getting too much, or too little, medicine if you're still using a kitchen spoon to take your cough or cold syrup. Make sure you and your loved...
Star Chat Magazine live at the Assassins Creed right to vote presents Maxim. How are you Breanna? Good, I'm Breann actually. How are you? Good. Tell me why you're here this evening....
one other quick brown story and alitalia pilot alitalia of course italian airline reported seeing a drone you j_f_k_ airport this is about one fifteen in the afternoon they were arriving from rome and...
alright interesting story on uh... at the drones which which we've been talking about have been very critical of the drone program of the u_s_ there's an and why you student...
david packard share had david packard dot com new study in pediatrics finds that physical punishment increases the risk of mental disorders later on in life even when the physical punishment...
Researchers have published an artical reporting that they can demonstrate that music therapy can physically decrease anxiety and fatigue in those who have cancer. All of this was achieved in just 2...