Game of Thrones The Pointy End Season 1 Episode 8 1080P HD - I FL no lunch right you break anything the satellite exist you pretty well witty today hatch getting get she's with her...
Game Of Thrones 1080P HD Daenerys Targaryen meets Daario Naharis Season 3 Episode 8 - he language knows she dies with you he had been scream leader using kill me so why hasn't he want which...
For six years I waged war within myself Your words cut through my skin Pain flowed faster than encouraging thoughts So my mind was filled with negative wounds Your hate pierced my self-confidence And...
Do you have a name? This one's name is Missandei, Your Grace. Do you have a family? A mother and a father you'd return to if you had the choice? No, Your Grace. No family living. You...
Jaime: Oh, I need to rest. Brienne:Get up. Jaime: I have these, you know on your feet when you walk too far. Jaime: What do you call them? Brienne: Get up now. Jaime: Corns. Jaime: I never used to get...
The blood of the First Men flows through my veins as much as yours, boy. I fought the Mad King for your father. I fought Joffrey for you. We are kin Stark and Karstark. That didn't stop you...
That was so passionate. I almost believed it, you know. Something to remember me by. - Is Du Plessis settling your debt? - You're my last client. He loves me. - So do I. - He loves me more. A...
VARYS: For 300 years, the Targaryen dynasty ruled Westeros. Wars were still fought. Homes still burned and men still died. But compared to the chaos of what came before, the realm was stable....
Lord of Light, defend us. Show us the truth. Strike this man down if he is guilty. Give strength to his sword if he is true. Lord of Light, give us wisdom. For the night is dark and full of terrors....
Miss, I'd love to help you but You just don't qualify for one of our loans. I know I have poor credit, but I swear to you that the Iron Throne is my birthright. When I retake it, I...