Some saw the sun Some saw the smoke Some heard the gun Some bent the bow Sometimes the wire Must tense for the note Caught in the fire Say oh We're about to explode Carry your world...
onMetaData duration width height videodatarate framerate videocodecid audiodatarate audiodelay audiocodecid canSeekToEnd creationdate Thu Jan 04 13:37:00 2007...
- Hey! 50, What's wrong Dude? What's the matter? Are you okay Dude? - I don't know dude... - Come on, get up, we've gotta go! - Okay, Dude! - Blimey! He's...
This is The Slim Wallet The world's thinnest wallet! I think you notice the difference The Slim Wallet is a really, really thin wallet! It has only about 2 millimeters thick It is the thinnest...
Hi, this is Josh and Dietmar. I'm Josh, this is Dietmar. What's up this week? Let's do this again. Hey, this is Dietmar and Josh. We have a few interesting clips for you this...


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Now before I start telling you how to build a school in 3 hours. I want to tell you a bit of the back story and some of the research that went into it first. So the back story started in 2003, when I...
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