Hi! My name is William, and I am a librarian in the Information Services department at Gorgas Library. Today, I am going to talk to you about how to access library resources from off-campus. When you...
Hey, y'all. It's Jess Simonson on the road and i'm gonna be monday-morning quarterback football seasons covering that sucks in really can sign up the game last night we had...
A Deoxys giveaway, the new Plasma Freeze TCG expansion, a special Dragonite on the Pokemon Global Link, and more! Hey guys, I'm Jess, here with your Pokemon update! First up, the mythical...
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>> Kelly Humphries: Hi. Welcome to Mission Control Houston. I'm Kelly Humphries, and with me today is Sandy Fletcher. She's the lead spacewalk systems expert for...



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We truly appreciate your decision to stay at our hotel. As our way of saying thank you, we are a member of a marketing network that has made arrangements with local businesses for our guests to...



by I'm here to review Adam her with this new program called Think Bold Group I've been a member for this for over two months now Adam and Justin our two really great guys...
Hey, guys, Bertie's playing it cool. But you guys coming over for dinner tonight is a really big deal to her. So, be there by 6:00, and no bailing. Ooh, bailing on dinner. Nick, I need you....
Hey, Jess Simonson. Internet Lifestyle Network Blog atlantic now and that required are about to rapidly increasing bright and while they are absolutely more than nine eight nine ten dollars he can...

