Thanks you very much. Um, how do you get a little more mellower sound out of the amp? I'd like to know. And also the lights are very warm. If you'll excuse me I'll remove my...
...The subtitles were big and silly, so I was surprised . In America, if you can't hear the sound, you can push a button on the remote to turn on subtitles. However, because Japan's...
Changing keys. There are many keys to change to. If you're playing in one key and suddenly it switches, a couple of things you have to keep in mind. One of the most important things to do is...
Lisa Mayor: I received a national journalism award last fall from Beyond Borders. It's a non-profit organization to try and prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation. My favourite thing...



Good evening everybody. This is FTM Motivational Coach Jack Ori and I want to welcome you to Own Your Body and Make It Yours. This teleseminar is going to be about body acceptance for the transgender...
So I just wanted to thank Melvin for including me in this channel because I am really excited about what is going to come of it, because as far as I know it's pretty much the first kind and...
My name is Storm Miguel Florez and I am a Mexicana American, singer songwriter. I haven’t performed in a college campus in a really long time. It reminds me back in the day when I was a young lesbian...
Swing dancing is one of the few forms of couple’s dances that started here in America in the late 1920s. The word swing comes from a style of jazz music that was being done in the late 20s where they...



And here's another way to comp in jazz. So, as I said before, there really are a million variations. So, this is just one more that you can add to your collection of things. Let's try...
all right let's go to your voicemail two one nine two david p twenty four hours a day we miss your voice still hears a voice mail on the transgender name change denial that we spoke about...

